collection of tote bags and suitcases in different shades of blue

Summer isn’t over yet (despite what the increasing number of Back-to-School and Halloween ads would have you believe). Here in New England, for example, many of us have at least another month of summer break.

Whether you are still preparing to take a summer vacation, or are looking ahead to a future trip, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin packing, especially when you have a child with complex medical needs. I’ve put together a series of questions to consider when putting together your packing list.

In addition, I have made a printable list for you to fill out with your results from these questions. You can download the list here.


  • • What medications does my child require daily, and in case of an emergency?
  • • What do we use to administer medications?
  • • Does anything require refrigeration?
  • • What paperwork, ID cards, insurance information, should we have?

Durable Medical Equipment

  • • What equipment does my child require daily, or in case of an emergency?
  • • How is this equipment powered?
  • • Are there extra pieces or supplies required to make the equipment work?
  • • How will I safely pack or secure this equipment during my travels?
  • • Is there any paperwork required if flying with this equipment?
  • • In case the equipment malfunctions while away, do we have replacement parts, tools, and instructions?


  • • Do we have everything my child requires to move safely from place to place each day?
  • • If we qualify for an accessible parking placard, have we packed it for any car travel we may be taking?


  • • How much food will we need for our time away (including extra)?
  • • How will we prepare my child’s food?
  • • Does anything require refrigeration?
  • • Is there any paperwork required if flying with this food?
  • • If my child has a feeding tube, do we have the supplies for maintaining and replacing it?

Bedtime and Sensory

  • • What helps my child fall and stay sleep at night?
  • • Does my child require safety equipment for bedtime?
  • • What helps my child calm down during periods of sensory overload?
  • • Are there favorite items my child can bring to ease the transition to a new place?


  • • Are there any special seats and supplies my child requires for using the bath, tub, and/or toilet?
  • • How will we bathe my child while away?
  • • How will we change my child’s diaper while away?
  • • If my child uses diapers, do we have enough supplies?

What questions would you add? Any other must-haves for traveling with a medically complex child?

(Photo credit: pixelshot on Canva)

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